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Software Development
Dick’s utiliza sua formação em engenharia de software para criar aplicativos inovadores para a web e para dispositivos móveis, e até brinca com o Amazon Alexa
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Digital Marketing
Dick Polipnick é o fundador da Online Growth Systems, uma empresa de mídia que ajuda marcas renomadas a lucrar com seus negócios de comércio eletrônico e assessora startups de capital de risco de alto crescimento.
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Serial Entrepreneurship
Dick fundou seu primeiro negócio aos 14 anos e, apenas 2 anos depois, já havia empregado 21 de seus colegas. Aos 17 anos, Dick comprou um de seus concorrentes e, desde então, está viciado em negócios.
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Professional Speaking
Como um palestrante que notoriamente entrega argumentos viáveis, Dick traz ideias para o público internacional e é constantemente classificado como um dos melhores palestrantes.
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``Dick is very current with technology and has the ability to teach people how to use that technology. I recommend Dick to many people and they have been just as satisfied.``
Pam Borgman Sauk Centre Convention and Visitors Bureau``We are working to incorporate some of the things Dick told us to do, and are already seeing a benefit. Thanks Dick!``
Jake Mischke Financial Advisor at Mischke Financial Group``I must say, the depth and breadth of Dick's knowledge of online marketing is very impressive... It was obvious he also has a good grasp of innovative tools and techniques any business would want to consider.``
Denise De Murcie News Anchor and Producer``Dick has exceeded my expectations on nearly everything I have tasked him with!``
Tyler Olson Founder and CEO of SHYLD Academy